Friday, May 15, 2015

Single Sex Marriage…..Yet Again.

Why is single sex marriage still illegal in Texas?  I believe that if you would ask someone what sort of political problem we still have in Texas, they would not say single sex marriage.  This is one of those topics that lost interest over time.  Just like The People’s Texas said, why should we only gives certain benefits to a heterosexual couple?  Single sex marriage is important but Texas looks so behind and is taking so much time that could be used for other major problems to solve something that has already been decided by the people.  
The People’s Texas made a very important point about marriage.  It is a basic human right that should be allowed for any person.  If we really think about “human rights”, there have been many that allow us to do ignorant things, but why not get married with the person you love?  
It makes no sense to me and to others that Texas has been taking a long time to solve this topic.  Like The People’s Texas said “ is time to look forward and address issues that affect Texas and the great people that live within this state, instead of declining the right for people to become married.”  We as a state have to look at the big picture here like my college stated, the government can’t afford to fight for a battle that has already been won by the other side.  Many states have allowed single sex marriage to be legal, now it’s all up to Texas.   

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